+33-178 902 698
+972-9 970 8751
+32-289 972 75
+41-445 083 243
+1-581 891 6920
+590-590 169 190
+212-5 20 80 30 81

Number in 01

Numéro géographique fixe pour entreprises

Kavkom makes it quick and easy to activate a phone number with the 01 area code. Locate your business in the Paris region to be closer to your customers and prospects.

NPV: Versatile Verified Numbers

Kavkom virtual numbers the proximity asset

Obtain and use Verified Versatile Numbers (VNs) for your automated call campaigns in progressive, predictive or robot mode.

Phone number portability

SVI : avantages d’un serveur vocal interactif pour un service client

Keep your lines easily with free number portability and opt for Kavkom’s cloud solution, without any service disruption.

Mobile numbers

Virtual Number Kavkom icon

Get a virtual mobile number and be closer to your contacts, customers and prospects, while enjoying all the features of professional VoIP telephony.

International numbers

international number

Kavkom allows you to obtain international numbers, enabling you to extend your global reach and improve communication with your international customers.

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