6 Benefits of Using a Virtual Switchboard for Your Business

Discover six interesting benefits that the implementation of a virtual switchboard will bring to the operation of your company.
6 advantages in using a virtual switchboard for your business
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Business functions are changing at the same accelerating pace as our world today. And the telephone answering service, which is no exception to this permanent revolution, is opening up to new concepts such as the IP telephone switchboard, which offers simpler and less costly management of company communications.

But a cloud-driven standard crystallizes many other benefits. In this article, we invite you to a quick overview of these benefits.


Enjoy a lightning-fast installation

What makes a cloud solution more attractive than traditional telephony is the installation of the equipment. With a traditional switchboard, it takes two weeks for the supplier to send a team to your premises. You then need to allow time for the reception of the equipment and for the training required to get it up and running.

To configure a phoning software on the other hand, a few minutes are more than enough. Handling it and taking it in hand is like opening your web browser. Child’s play! No need to spend hours or even days taming its features.


Simple steps to manage your communications more effectively

Another plus with the virtual switchboard is the possibility to manage a lot of tasks with simple actions. One, two or three clicks maximum are enough to generate a group of calls, set a music on hold, configure opening hours. Transferring calls, connecting an answering machine electronically, everything can be controlled from your smartphone.

Reduce your management costs by 50%.

Pour faire tourner un standard traditionnel, vous devez consentir à un sacrifice financier s’élevant à un chiffre à plusieurs zéros. Mais l’utilisation de la téléphonie VoIP abattra de 50 % le budget annuel affecté à cette aile de votre entreprise. Plus de frais exorbitants à payer à un service de maintenance. L’entretien du programme revient au fournisseur d’application de téléphonie cloud que vous avez choisi. Tout ce bénéfice ajouté à l’installation sans frais de la technologie provoque la montée en flèche de vos économies.


A technology in constant update

In the field of telephony innovation, everything moves fast. Very fast. And to keep pace with the waves, your virtual PBX is constantly refreshing itself. Your company takes advantage of new features to tackle the challenges of your competitive imperatives. Agreeing to convert your company to virtual telephony means adapting its operations to the canons of structures at the cutting edge of innovation.


Cover international without stretching your budget

One of the issues that weighs on the finances of SMEs is the cost of expanding internationally. Solutions such as setting up offshore offices significantly erode budgets. However, using a virtual switchboard can solve many of the difficulties caused by the need to conquer international markets.

Thus, you can use the functions of Internet telephony to manage your international communications at a lower cost.


Benefit from the full arsenal of a 360 degree switchboard

What decision-makers who are reluctant to jump on the virtual network bandwagon fear is having to give up the conveniences attached to the traditional type switchboard. In fact, there’s no action in the old reception system that cloud telephony doesn’t take into account. Call waiting, setting a ringtone of your choice, call notification: you get all the benefits of a normal switchboard.

But you have many more features: email messaging, click to call, HD voice quality… You will live a unique communication experience!


In conclusion

Setting up a virtual telephone switchboard for your company means you benefit from quick installation at no cost, cost-saving management, innovative features, and conquering the international market at a lower cost. And above all, you turn your back on the frequent inconveniences of traditional telephony.

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